Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Enhanced Voice Search Appears in IOS app store

Google has been competing with Apples voice over siri.  So they have released a more enhanced version that can respond better than siri.  Google is hoping for people to hop over on their side of products because they have created something better.  I think this is great that people are competing to create the best voice recognition command.  If this keeps up computers can talk like us humans.  Google and Apple are rivals because they want to be the successor of the opposing company.  In life the successful one makes all the money and in this case they all want money therefore they have to sell more products and to do that consumers have to buy their products.  But consumers will buy the better products because it can do better and they would want to have that.  So the majority of the consumers purchases is very vital in to becoming a successful company.

Major Concepts

  • Technology will improve because of competition 
  • Voice recognition is very helpful to do tasks by voice
  • Humans will become a more advanced species
Potential Strengths/Advantages
  • Voice command can allow physically disabled people to communicate and perform tasks
  • Google is trying to make ideas so that everything can be easier and cheaper
Potential Problems/Limitations/Disadvantages
  • More people will become lazy
  • Can be used as a weapon
  • Voice recognition may not be very accurate until later in the future
Discussion Questions
  • I want to know whether or not would another company become big and go against all the best companies right now.
  • If humans become lazy and use voice recognition for a million years will we lose our limbs?

Cheng, Jacqui. "Google's "enhanced" Voice Search Lands in IOS App Store." Arstechnica. N.p., 31 Oct. 2012. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/10/googles-enhanced-voice-search-lands-in-ios-app-store/>.

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