Sunday, January 15, 2012

Apple's new iPoo Toilet

Milos Paripovic designed the iPoo Toilet with Apple concept.  He designed it to look like an apple product.  The seat of the toilet has an apple shape.  The colour of it has a really matte white colour to it.  The seating is the same material to make a Mac Book air.  The back of the toilet is like a curved apple leaf.  Its flushes by a button which uses electricity to pump the water instead of the usual water pump.

I think only crazy apple fans would buy this product.  Since I am assuming it will be extremely pricey.  I couldn't imagine someone spending thousands of baht on a toilet which might break after 4 to 5 years of use.  If I had the the money to buy one and thought about buying one it would be a real hassle to install it into my bathroom since everything has been built so perfectly in there.

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