Monday, April 22, 2013

The Future of Clothing

Clothing can now be used to measure your heart rate, respiration, and body tempreture.  While still be able to be washable, waterproof, and windproof so it is allowed to be worn as daily clothing.  This will advance our clothing line because right now we have clothes that just keep as warm but in the near future they can be used to measure our health and protect us from various things.  This can be used in the military  to find bullet wounds easier and maybe prevent a bullet from being bullet proof.

If clothing like this were to ever open in stores I would most likely buy them because they seem really cool.  I don't really think it's necessary to have computerized clothing for every occasion other than sports.

Major Concepts
  • It brings health benefits and can tell when a person's tempreture is off.
  • This will advance our technology and can help us move forward into a more superior species.
  • This will benefit society by creating more jobs for people and people will live better.
Potential Strengths/Advantages
  • We can advance in technology even further
Potential Problems/Limitations/Disadvantages
  • Bugs might appear and may be expensive at first
Discussion Questions
  • When will most of the world's population will start wearing computerized clothing?
  • Is this a good product that people will buy?

Danny. "Vizual Archive." Vizual Archive. N.p., 18 Apr. 2013. Web. 22 Apr. 2013. <>.